Questo articolo contiene l'elenco (incompleto) dei libri citati nella serie di articoli "ci salveranno loro" e nel libro Apocalisse Aliena. Che un testo stia nella lista non significa che il sottoscritto lo trovi degno di nota, ma semplicemente che é stato letto. Non include films o altre opere di finzione artistica.
- ABOVE BLACK - Project Preserve Destiny - An Insider's Account of Alien Contact and Government Coverup Sherman, Dan
- Alien Experiences - 25 Cases of Close Encounter Lamb, Barbara, Lalich, Nadine
- Secret Life Jacobs, David M.
- The Threat Jacobs, David
- The Custodians: Beyond Abduction Cannon, Dolores
- Passport to the Cosmos Mack, John
- Not in His Image Lash, John Lamb
- UFOs: Generals, Pilots and Government Officials Go On the Record Kean, Leslie
- The Vengeful Djinn: Unveiling the Hidden Agenda of Genies Guiley, Rosemary Ellen, Imbrogno, Philip J.
- Sight Unseen Hopkins, Budd, Rainey, Carol
- Abduction,John E. Mack
- Mystery of 2012, The Edw
- Ultraterrestrial Contact: A Paranormal Investigator's Explorations into the Hidden Abduction Epidemic
, Philip J.
- The Elegant Universe
- The Holotropic Mind: The Three Levels of Human Consciousness and How They Shape Our Lives
- The 2012 Story: The Myths, Fallacies, and Truth Behind the Most Intriguing Date in History
- Difendiamoci dagli Dei, Frexeido
- Las apariciones marianas, Frexeido
- Irish Magic and Tuatha De Danaans Bonwick, James
- How to Defend Yourself Against Alien Abduction Druffel, Ann
- Abduction: Human Encounters with Aliens John E. Mack
- Tryptamine Palace: 5-MeO-DMT and the Sonoran Desert Toad Oroc,
- Wonders in the Sky: Unexplained Aerial Objects from Antiquity to Modern Times Vallee, Jacques
- chariots of the gods, Erich Von Daniken
- DIMENSIONS: A Casebook of Alien Contact
- REVELATIONS: Alien Contact and Human Deception
- CONFRONTATIONS: A Scientist's Search for Alien Contact
- Supernatural, Graham Hancock
- Messengers of Deception: UFO Contacts and Cults
- Barbara: The Story of a UFO Investigator Barbara Bartholic
- Extraordinary Encounters: An Encyclopedia of Extraterrestrials and Otherworldly Beings, Jerome Clark
- The Egyptian Book of the Dead: The Book of Going Forth by Day - Eva Von Dassow, Raymond Faulkner, Carol Andrews and Ogden Goelet Carol Andrews and Ogden Goelet
- 2012 and the Cabala- Krafchow, Dovid
- UFOs and the National Security State I – Richard Dolan
- The Cover-Up Exposed, 1973-1991 (UFOs and the National Security State) Dolan, Richard
- A.D. After Disclosure: The People's Guide to Life After Contact Dolan, Richard, Zabel, Bryce
- conferenze, Phil Schneider
- Into the Fringe – Karla Turner
- Taken – Karla Turner
- Masquerade of Angels – Karla Turner
- Handbook for The New Paradigm – George Green
- The Law of One (Ra Material) Books 1 through 4 – L/L Research
- Il Mistero Delle Cattedrali - fulcanelli
- Dictionary of Gnosis & Western Esotericism - Wouter J. Hanegraaff
- Alieni o demoni - Corrado Malanga
- The Only Planet of Choice
- The High Strangeness Of Dimensions, Densities, And The Process Of Alien Abduction - Laura Knight-Jadczyk
- Cassiopaean Transcripts –Laura Knight-Jadczyk
- The Wave Series – Laura Knight-Jadczyk
- Universe or Multiverse? Bernard Carr
- The 2012 Story: The Myths, Fallacies, and Truth Behind the Most Intriguing Date in History by John Major Jenkins
- 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl - Daniel Pinchbeck
- The True Story of the Bilderberg Group
- Beyond 2012: Catastrophe or Awakening?: A Complete Guide to End-of-Time Predictions - Geoff Stray
- Majestic 12 documents
- Messaggi dall'universo - S. Romanek
- SS Brotherhood of the Bell: The Nazis’ Incredible Secret Technology: The Nazi's Incredible Secret Technology Joseph P. Farrell
- Sekret Machines: Man: Sekret Machines Gods, Man, and War (I+II), Tom DeLonge
- The Extra-Dimensionals: True Tales And Concepts of Alien Visitors, John DeSouza
- Miraculous Images and Votive Offerings in Mexico, Frank Graziano
- The Encyclopedia of Demons and Demonology, Rosemary Ellen Guiley
- The Lost Art of Resurrection: Initiation, secret chambers and the quest, Freddy Silva
- Close Encounters of the Fatal Kind, Nick Redfern
- American Cosmic: UFOs, Religion, Technology, D.W. Pasulka